Lewis Game

Lewis Game Headshot

Lewis Game

Leaving Belcanto London Academy as Head Boy in 2008 I began my professional training, attaining a full scholarship at the age of 16. I studied musical theatre for three years where I gained a great knowledge of disciplines including tap, ballet, jazz, contemporary, commercial and musical theatre.

In 2011 I was awarded the title of “Most Professional Student” at my graduation ceremony.

Since graduating, I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world with dance. Performing in over 32 countries and participating in classes in prestigious dance establishments in both New York and Toronto. This has broadened both my choreographic style and teaching technique.

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher/choreographer I have been doing so, professionally, since 2011 and thrive on seeing student development. Many of my students have gone on to gaining entry to some of the top dance/musical theatre colleges in England.

I have travelled the world and have trained with some fantastic choreographers who have influenced my teaching and style of dance. I am committed to the development of the next generation of professional dancers. There are shortcuts to happiness, dancing is one of them.